Niger Governance Programs: Empowering a Diverse Civil Society, Engaging Youth-Led Organizations and Addressing Inequality thumbnail
Case Studies and Success Stories

Niger Governance Programs: Empowering a Diverse Civil Society, Engaging Youth-Led Organizations and Addressing Inequality

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Save the Children International,Save the Children Niger

Save the Children has been a pivotal force in Niger since 2005, dedicated to enhancing the lives of children, their families, and communities through a multifaceted approach integrating advocacy, governance, and children’s rights. Operating across Zinder, Diffa, Maradi, Tillabéry, and Niamey, we meld long-term development with emergency response to fortify resilience and achieve sustainable results. Through extensive experience in governance, child rights, and community engagement, Save the Children is uniquely positioned to lead impactful programs that support youth-led and civil society initiatives, advocating for systemic change that benefits children and youth. Our approach shifts power to children and youth, and to local actors, to enable locally led development. Our donor partners for this area of work include USAID, NORAD, Global Affairs Canada, and the European Union.

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