Nepal Governance Programs: Enhancing Governance and Civic Engagement Through Multi-Sectoral Capacity Sharing thumbnail
Case Studies and Success Stories

Nepal Governance Programs: Enhancing Governance and Civic Engagement Through Multi-Sectoral Capacity Sharing

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Save the Children International,Save the Children Nepal

Save the Children is a leading organization promoting good governance to realize the rights of children and youth in Nepal. Our programs strengthen local governance and promote inclusive participation among children, youth, and women in community development that leverage a rights-based approach and ensure responsive governance systems. Save the Children Nepal’s areas of expertise include: child and youth civic engagement, accountability, policy advocacy with decision-makers, civil society strengthening, and partnerships with children and youth-led organizations.

Save the Children’s multifaceted programs cover education, health, nutrition, livelihood, child protection, and child rights and governance. Gender equality, disability inclusion, and climate resilience are cross-cutting within our programs. Through strategic partnerships with local stakeholders and robust community-led initiatives, Save the Children strives to foster a nurturing environment for children and young individuals.

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