Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

När Något Har Hänt: Handbok för att stötta barn som upplevt svåra händelser

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Save the Children Sweden

Save the Children Sweden often receives questions about how to help children who have experienced difficult situations, what they need, and how they feel. This handbook discusses how children, who have had tough experiences, can feel and why they may behave the way they do under stress. Advice is also given for how adults can meet and support children.

The authors of this handbook work as psychologists for Save the Children Sweden. The content has been developed based on research and extensive experience in meeting and treating children who have experienced trauma.

The handbook is divided into three parts:

  1. What is a difficult situation and how can children be affected?
  2. How can we support children who have experienced difficult things?
  3. When do children need more help in order to heal?

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