Myanmar Sponsorship Mid-Term Report 2023 thumbnail
Study: Evaluations

Myanmar Sponsorship Mid-Term Report 2023

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Save the Children Asia Regional Office,Save the Children International,Save the Children Myanmar

Save the Children Myanmar is implementing Sponsorship-funded Child-Centred Community Development Program in Hpa-An, Kayin State through four core programs: Early Childhood Care and Development Program (ECCD), Basic Education Program (BE), School Health and Nutrition Program (SHN) and Adolescent Development Program (AD). Sponsorship-funded Child-Centered Community Development Program implementation started in 2017, is implemented in 85 villages of Hpa-An township and will continue till 2031. A baseline evaluation was conducted in the different three phases: integrated baseline report (Sept-Oct 2018), School Health and Nutrition baseline in Sep 2019, Adolescent Development baseline Jan 2020). The midline evaluation study is intended to measure the progress against the baseline values and document the learning from the current situation and the implementation of the project.

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