Case Studies and Success Stories, Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Moving Forward: Implementing the ‘Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children

Publication year:





CELSIS, The Centre for Excellence for Looked After Children in Scotland

The handbook ‘Moving Forward: Implementing the ‘Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children,’ was developed by the Centre for Excellence for Looked After Children in Scotland (CELSIS) together with a team of child protection experts, governments, UN Agencies, and NGOs. The handbook is designed as a resource tool that will guide and equip legislators, policy-makers, professionals and care providers to support the implementation of the UN-approved Alternative Care Guidelines. By making a strong connection between national policy, direct practice, and the Guidelines themselves, the handbook emphasizes that children must never be placed in alternative care unnecessarily, and where out-of-home care must be provided, it should be appropriate to each child’s specific needs, circumstances, and best interests. The handbook provides practical guidance on how to move forward on the road to embedding children’s rights in alternative care provision.

Watch three short films introducing “Moving Forward”:

Jean Zermatten: President of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (English) from CELCIS on Vimeo.

Nigel Cantwell on Moving Forward (English) from CELCIS on Vimeo.

Jennifer Davidson introduces Moving Forward (English) from CELCIS on Vimeo.

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