Reports, Study: Evaluations

Moving Forward on Alternative Care: Assessment of the foster care pilot project in Albania

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CELCIS, Centre for excellence for children's care and protection

CELCIS was contracted by UNICEF Albania in August, 2013, to carry out an evaluation of the pilot foster care project (FCPP). UNICEF had contributed to funding for a foster care project which operated in Tirana and Shkodra. The operational aspects of the projects were run by two non-governmental organisations (NGOs) called Bethany Social Services (BSS) and Every Child Albania (EC).

The consultants carried out a brief literature review and a desk review of relevant documentation. They also undertook a period of fieldwork in Albania, interviewing key stakeholders and carrying out observational visits. The findings of the evaluation were that the FCPP had made a positive start to establishing foster care services in Albania.

This report details both the successes and the shortcomings of the FCPP. It concludes with sixteen detailed recommendations for national policy and legislation as well as to other organisations and social services involved in the alternative care process.

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