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Save the Children West and Central Africa
West and Central Africa (WCA), a region with rich cultural heritage, a youthful population (with about 50 percent of the population being under 15 years old), and an abundance of natural resources, has been experiencing conflict and crisis for almost a decade. Since 2015, the number of violent attacks on civilians increased eightfold in the Central Sahel and tripled in the Lake Chad basin, leading to additional displacement and needs. Climatic shocks, rising levels of food insecurity, cyclical instability, escalating violence and state fragility are some of the challenges that mutually reinforce each other in a negative way to create chronic multi-faceted humanitarian crises. These crises affect children’s ability to either attend school, stay in school, and/or receive the quality education they need. As a result, children are missing out on formal learning, which generates anxiety among children of all ages who are concerned about the impact on their future and employability, and forces children into child marriage, child labour or to resort to other negative coping mechanisms, reversing years of development gains and impacting children’s education.
Education needs will remain critical in 2022/2023 and ongoing insecurity could result in continued attacks and clashes targeting or affecting educational facilities. The objective of this paper is to present the main obstacles children are facing this school year and to make recommendations to decision makers that will support children in the region to access safe and quality education.
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