Reports, Study: Evaluations

Mid-Term Review on Preventing and Responding to Child Early and Forced Marriage in Lao PDR

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Save the Children Laos

This report presents the results of a Mid Term Review (MTR) for the Project entitled Preventing and Responding to Child, Early, and Forced Marriage in Lao PDR. This 3-year project, funded by Save the Children Hong Kong, is being implemented between January 2022 and December 2024 in twenty ethnic Khmu and Hmong villages of four districts (Nambak, Ngoy, Phonethong and Viengkham) in Luang Prabang Province. Girls and boys from these ethnic groups, which are located in remote and mountainous areas, are vulnerable to CEFM due to customary practices which encourage early marriage and limited opportunities for secondary education.

The key questions are:
1. Are the implemented project activities relevant, effective, efficient and sustainable?
2. Is activity implementation on track (as per the workplan and project log frame, which includes VYA activity, Young Mother, Out of School Girls, Parenting without Violence trainings.
3. What are the recommendations to improve the implementation to be more relevant, effective, efficiency and sustainable?
4. Is there a need for the implementation approach to be adjusted to increase the extent that anticipated impacts are met? (i,e, adolescents/ girls being both aware of and exercising their rights to achieve their potential).

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