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Save the Children US
The following documents provide basic monitoring guidance for Save the Children Menstrual Health & Hygiene (MHH) sub-outcomes and accompanying M&E Tools. These documents serve as an addendum to the Save the Children Menstrual Hygiene Management Operational Guidelines (1). Tools for this addendum have been adapted from Save the Children SHN projects that have served as excellent models for MHH monitoring, including:
The MHH Ladder and the accompanying M&E tools support in the reporting of program outcome measures and aim to evaluate the successful implementation of MHH-friendly school programming. The MHH Ladder can serve multiple purposes; it can act as a diagnostic to assess each schools’ performance against expected MHH programming or it can be a programming tool to identify gaps and achievements in order to prioritize resources. The aim is to have a standard framework to assess program, or school, progression and accompanying tools to monitor key program/school milestones in each service level and sub-outcome. Over time, the goal is to build MHH monitoring into existing national-level monitoring systems, such as the education management information system (EMIS).
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