Manufacturing Moral Panic: Weaponizing children to undermine gender justice and human rights thumbnail

Manufacturing Moral Panic: Weaponizing children to undermine gender justice and human rights

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English, Spanish


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Elevate Children Funders Group,GPP, Global Philanthropy Project

Manufacturing Moral Panic investigates the tactics of oppressive groups who exploit child protection rhetoric to incite moral panic and encourage the repression of human rights. This strategy, as described in the report, is used to dismantle gender justice and erode democratic systems that protect human rights.

The research reports uses a comparative analysis of three countries – Bulgaria, Ghana, and Perú –  to shed light on the recurring strategies, narratives, and actors involved. It further reveals the global collaboration and coalition work undertaken by the identified groups. Lastly, the report offers findings and recommendations for funders to support and forward gender justice and human rights.

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