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Malta High-Level Global Conference on the Universal Prohibition of Corporal Punishment: Save the Children’s Call for Action

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Save the Children

A High Level Global Conference on the Universal Prohibition of Corporal Punishment is being held in Malta on the 30th May – 1st June 2018, to continue securing support and strive towards a world without corporal punishment and violence against children. This will be an opportunity for participating UN Member States, international organisations, and civil society representatives to come together and reinforce the commitment they took in adopting the Sustainable Development Goals and more specifically their target to end all forms of violence against children.

This conference is the third in this series, with the first edition held in Sweden in 2014, and the second held in Austria in 2016. The third edition of the Global Conference on the Universal Prohibition of Corporal Punishment will be held in Malta under the patronage of Her Excellency the President of Malta. The conference will include keynote addresses, panels and roundtable discussions with the participation of leading experts in the field. Participants will have the opportunity to share their insight and meet other stakeholders committed to ending corporal punishment globally.

Save the Children will attend the conference to highlight our work on ending Physical and Humiliating Punishment. Our Call for Actions is built around our four key pillars:

Advocacy for Legal Reform – achieving a total ban on PHP in all settings

Public Awareness – creating awareness and knowledge to change attitudes

Behaviour Change – training and promotion of positive discipline to enable a change in behaviour towards children

Child Participation – children as key actors throughout the process

We will use the opportunity to lobby governments for a full prohibition of corporal punishment.

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