Mali Governance Programs: Building Resilience and Improving the Lives of Children, Adolescents, and Marginalized Populations thumbnail
Case Studies and Success Stories

Mali Governance Programs: Building Resilience and Improving the Lives of Children, Adolescents, and Marginalized Populations

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Save the Children International,Save the Children Mali

Save the Children is a leading organization promoting good governance to realize the rights of children and youth in Mali. As a child rights organization, we center children, adolescents, youth and youth-led organizations in advocacy and governance processes. Save the Children Mali’s areas of expertise include: child and youth civic engagement, budget advocacy, social accountability to youth, data on and by young people, civil society strengthening, and partnerships with youth-led  organizations and socially excluded groups. As a part of the fabric of civil society in Mali, Save the Children supports long-term development investments and emergency responses across health, education, and protection. Our approach shifts power to children and youth, and to local actors, to enable locally-led development. Our donor partners for this area of work include USAID, Global Affairs Canada, Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK), Sida and the European Union.

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