Malawi Baseline Spatial Data Collection Report for Disaster Preparedness in Neno and Zomba Districts thumbnail
Study: Assessments

Malawi Baseline Spatial Data Collection Report for Disaster Preparedness in Neno and Zomba Districts

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Save the Children International,Save the Children Malawi

The report highlights the critical role of data in guiding decision-making and shaping development and humanitarian efforts, particularly in disaster risk management. The purpose of this study was to generate baseline spatial data in disaster prone areas in Zomba and Neno districts. This study therefore contributes valuable spatial data, specifically focusing on the current conditions of disaster-prone areas. This information informs the planning and execution of initiatives aimed at mitigating disaster risks.

The data primarily pertains to geographic features, offering insights into the layout of structures, river networks, and the topography of an area. These characteristics, analyzed through advanced Geographic Information Systems (GIS), provide a comprehensive understanding of an area’s vulnerability to specific disasters like floods, dry spells, and strong winds.

This study is part of the Localization project, a Save the Children International project which is currently underway in five Traditional Authorities (T/As) in Zomba district (in TA Nkapita, Mwambo, Kumtumanji, Mwembele and Chimbalanga) and five T/As (TA Dambe, Chekucheku, Mlauli, Symon and Chikalema) in Neno district. The project is aimed to enhance local governance and institutional capacities for effective, efficient, and inclusive implementation of disaster risk management and climate adaptation initiatives.

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