Case Studies and Success Stories, Reports

Make it Right. Ending the Crisis in Girls’ Education

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GCE, The Global Campaign for Education,RESULTS Educational Fund

A report by the Global Campaign for Education & RESULTS Educational Fund on gender discrimination and the right to education. It shows that millions of girls are being forced out of school because of poverty, child labour, early child marriage, the threat of sexual violence, inadequate and poor-quality schools. The report – which examines 80 low-income countries in terms of the gains they have achieved in girls’ education – reveals that the Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, India, Iraq, Nigeria and Pakistan are among those countries failing to respect the rights of girls to an education. In sub-Saharan Africa, girls have less than a 50% chance of finishing primary school, and in some Asian countries girls also struggle: 41% of girls in Pakistan and 30% in India fail to finish primary school. The report ends with an analysis of the role of the international financial institutions – the IMF and the World Bank – and a call-to-action for all members of the EFA-Fast Track Initiative to scale up support for girls’ education.

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