Study: Assessments

Life Saving Health, Nutrition and Child Protection Support to Afghan Refugee and Host Communities in Balochistan Province, Pakistan Baseline Report

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Save the Children International,Save the Children Pakistan

Save the Children International (Pakistan) GFFO-funded project, working in District Pishin and Killa Abdullah, Balochistan, focuses on enhancing community healthcare while targeting health, nutrition, and child protection sectors. This collaborative effort aims to reach over 79,123 beneficiaries, prioritizing vulnerable groups like Pregnant and Lactating Women (PLWs), People with Disabilities (PWDs), and children. The purpose of the baseline assessment is to establish effective project planning, setting benchmarks aiding ongoing monitoring and offering actionable recommendations based on key findings. The initiative concentrates on strengthening community-based child protection mechanisms, including MHPSS, alongside local implementing partner and government departments at district and provincial levels. Engagement with local communities and their representative groups ensures participatory, people-centered approaches, aligning interventions with stakeholders like United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the government of Balochistan for coordination and complementarity within the region.

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