Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance, Parenting Materials

Let’s Play: Behavioral Edition

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Save the Children International

Let’s Play: Behavioral Edition is a practitioner’s guide to applying behavioral insights to encourage the uptake of play-based approaches to early childhood development among caregivers. Play is children’s spontaneous way of exploring and learning about the world. It is integral to a child’s holistic learning and development, from birth to the age of entering school, to evolution as a lifelong learner. By leveraging a methodology rooted in behavior change, we hope to inspire a new approach to promoting play amongst caregivers and children.

This Playbook has been designed for Save the Children Country Offices, as well as technical staff at a regional and global level, and is meant to be an interactive resource. It provides step-by-step guidance and considerations specific to encouraging play across the four steps of a typical behavioral insights project.

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