Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance, Study: Evaluations

Learning to work together – A handbook for managers on facilitating children’s participation in actions to address child labour

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RWG-CL, Regional Working Group on Child Labour

The resource publication by Regional Working Group on Child Labour (RWG-CL), “Learning to Work Together” is a handbook for programme managers who wish to build the capacities of adults to facilitate working children’s participation in actions to combat child labour. It combines lessons learned by working children and adults who have participated in child labour programming, with insights from the increasing number of publications on the subject. The handbook is not intended to be a definitive guide on the subject, but a first step, based on early experiences in a rapidly expanding field, and should serve as a useful reference and resource. Whether a programme already works closely with children on a daily basis or is considering moving towards involving children, Learning to Work Together will provide ideas, information and inspiration. It is a companion volume to previous RWG-CL resource publications on communication about child labour and participatory action research on the worst forms of child labour, including trafficking (Child labour: Getting the Message Across, 2001, and Handbook for Action-oriented Research on the Worst Forms of Child Labour, 2003).

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