Kosovo Governance Programs: Building Capacity with Civil Society and Government, and Delivering Integrated and Inclusive Programs thumbnail
Case Studies and Success Stories

Kosovo Governance Programs: Building Capacity with Civil Society and Government, and Delivering Integrated and Inclusive Programs

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Save the Children International,Save the Children Kosovo

Save the Children Kosova/o (SCiK) has been positively impacting the lives of children and youth since 1997. SCiK’s areas of expertise include: a comprehensive approach to improving local governance and budget advocacy, enhancing the operational capacity of civil society, and ensuring inclusive participation of youth and socially excluded groups. SCiK supports child-led and youth-led organizations and civil society efforts to advocate for the rights of children and youth. SCiK is a thought leader and convener for civil society organizations (CSOs): our partnerships established the first ever Municipal Team on Child Rights, passed the Law on Child Protection, and banned Corporal Punishment in all settings. We also deliver integrated programming for children and youth that promotes principles of inclusion and non-discrimination. It improved psychosocial well-being, access to education and information on services available, mobility and participation in the community.

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