Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

A Kit of Tools for Participatory Research and Evaluation with Children, Young People and Adults: A compilation of tools used during a Thematic Evaluation and Documentation on Children’s Participation in Armed Conflict, Post Conflict and Peace Building

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Save the Children Norway

Save the Children Norway undertook a two-year thematic evaluation and documentation of children’s participation in armed conflict, post conflict and peace building (2006-2008) in four countries: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Guatemala, Nepal and Uganda. The main aims of this evaluation and documentation were to improve Save the Children Norway’s work on children’s participation, strengthen existing and future projects and policies, promote the rights of children affected by armed conflict, and ensure that children’s rights were prioritized in peace building through making children’s documentation of their experiences and contributions a part of their nation’s history. The main method and tools used included the use of Formative Dialogue Research and child friendly tools. The time span of the evaluation and documentation and the use of Formative Dialogue Research allowed for the active involvement of children as advisors, peer researchers, active respondents, development workers, peace agents and documenters.

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