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IAWG, Inter-Agency Working Group on the Role of Community Involvement in ASRH
The Toolkit’s vision is for all adolescents to exercise making informed and autonomous decisions about their sexual and reproductive health (SRH), have their SRH rights guaranteed, and be able to reach their full potential—no matter what circumstances they are living in. This Toolkit provides strategies and tools to help close the SRH service provision gap for adolescents by building upon the advocacy endeavors and lessons learned from the past decade to advance SRH prioritization for adolescents in humanitarian contexts. The Toolkit does not promote a one-size-fits-all approach; instead, it calls on humanitarians to prioritize life-saving SRH services throughout the entire program cycle and humanitarian continuum—not only during the crisis phase, but also before its onset, during the recovery, and beyond, toward long-term development.
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