Child Informed UNCRC Reporting.pdf_1.png
Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures, Case Studies and Success Stories

It’s all about children: Seven good examples and ten steps to meaningful children’s participation in reporting to the Committee on the Rights of the Child

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English, Spanish


pdf (6.2 MiB)


Save the Children

Good governance is essential for children’s well-being. It is about a government being responsible to its citizens in terms of delivering services, being open and transparent about decision-making processes, making information accessible and having established independent mechanisms that can hold it accountable for its actions and inaction.

‘It’s All About Children’  includes seven case studies of child participation in CRC reporting. It contains ten steps to meaningful children’s participation in reporting to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, that have been comprised based on the reports included in this booklet, other related documents listed in the bibliography and valuable advice given during telephone conversations, e-mail exchanges and questionnaires filled in by colleagues and children around the world.

This document is also available in Spanish and can be accessed under ‘related documents’ at the bottom right hand corner of this page.

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