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ISS/IRC Fact Sheet No. 7. A global policy for children and the family. Elaborating a lifelong plan: Family Reintegration

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IRC, International Reference Centre for the Rights of Children Deprived of their Family,ISS, International Social Services

This 2-page document is part of a series of ISS/IRC fact sheets on the provision of care for children deprived of family or at risk of being deprived. It looks at family reintegration as the return on a permanent basis to the family of origin of a child who has been provisionally separated as a result of the initially unfavourable circumstances for his upbringing having taken a turn for the better. It sets out the view that family reintegration constitutes the most desirable permanent solution for the child and should be sought as a priority.The fact sheet also includes a step-by-step process supporting children’s reintegration into family and community.

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