
Investing in a Healthy Future: Adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights: A desk study on ASRHR needs, promising practices and Norwegian ASRHR policies and funding

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English, Norwegian


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Save the Children Norway,Sex og Politikk (IPFF Norway)

Despite progress and increased global attention, adolescents (10-19 years old) represent a cohort that is often overlooked and fall outside of programmes addressing children and adults. Investments have been too scarce. In a climate with increased resistance towards sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), efforts to amplify adolescent voices, investments in gender transforming programming as well as increased political will is needed to secure continued improvement.

This report summarizes existing literature on adolescent SRHR (ASRHR) needs and best practices to meet those needs, also drawing on interviews with experts and adolescent representatives. Further, it examines Norwegian policies and funding, including by implementing a novel proxy tracking model, and provides recommendations to Norwegian authorities for the way forward:

  • Increase funding commitments to ASRHR
  • Adopt a stronger focus on adolescents in policies and strategies
  • Develop a marker or mechanism for tracking funding to ASRHR
  • Secure meaningful adolescent participation in planning, implementation and evaluation of programmes that are targeted towards them

This report is a joint publication by Save the Children Norway and Sex og Politikk (IPFF Norway).

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