
Inuti ett Barnahus. En kvalitégranskning av 23 svenska verksamheter

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Save the Children Sweden

Save the Children Sweden (SCS) has established and supported operations of “Barnahus”, or Advocacy Centres for Children, a model for receiving child victims of sexual abuse. Through these Advocacy Centres, SCS hopes to ensure that all child victims of violence receive the support and assistance they require and that the investigations conducted in connection with suspicions that a child has been exposed to crime are tailored to the specific needs of the child. This new report from Save the Children Sweden and the University of Linköping shows that the support offered to abused children has considerably improved since Barnahus first appeared in Sweden in 2005. Yet, the child care quality varies considerably among the child-serving agencies and the report concludes that there is a need to improve the coordination of their activities at a national level in order to ensure that the basic rights of all abused children in the country are being respected.

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