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Integrated Community Case Management of Pneumonia, Malaria and Diarrhea Evidence Update (July 2019 – October 2022)

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Save the Children International

The first evidence review conducted in 2019 was based on evidence covering multiple studies or programs in multiple countries. The rationale was that most published papers on integrated community case management (iCCM) included in the 2017 Save the Children (SC) iCCM document were on individual studies or countries. Therefore, the 2019 evidence review search was conducted for “reviews of evidence” on iCCM. For this literature review it was agreed that both individual papers and systematic reviews on iCCM will be considered, as 3 years is a very short time for new “reviews of evidence” to emerge. This review presents the key findings and lessons learnt from 22 publications across six dimensions of evidence and covers 21 peer-reviewed papers and one PhD dissertation on community case management of malaria, pneumonia and diarrhea in children under five years of age. According to the SC Common Approaches Evidence Framework (CAEF) Overview, this evidence review should address the following dimensions1: 1. Effectiveness; 2. Acceptability; 3. Safety/Risk; 4. Equity; 5. Scalability; 6. Cost-effectiveness.

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