Informe RIA Protocolo venta trata CDN (2).pdf_3.png

Informe de Sociedad Civil sobre Aspectos Claves en el Cumplimiento del Protocolo Facultativo Relativo a la Venta de Niños, la Prostitución Infantil y la Utilización de Niños en la Pornografía

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RIA, Red para la Infancia y la Adolescencia de El Salvador

This is a report by Red Para la Infancia y la Adolescencia (RIA) on the application of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution, and child pornography, as ratified by El Salvador. It is important to recognize that since 2004, progress has been made in introducing legislative changes to combat crimes related to the commercial sexual exploitation of children and that measures have been taken by the government in areas of relevance for the Optional Protocol.

The report is divided into 7 major sections overviewing a range of legislative issues: 1. Legislative framework; 2. Tracking down and punishing crime; 3. Monitoring the application of the Convention and the Optional Protocol, 4. General measures, and 5. Child trafficking. The final two chapters draw together a number of conclusions and recommendations.

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