
Inequality in China: A Case Study

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Save the Children

This report examines the progress China has made in reducing absolute poverty over the past 30 years. The authors reveal that, despite success in reducing absolute poverty, inequality remains a pressing issue. Inequality is especially apparent when comparing location, rural versus urban and region to region, as well as gender, men and women, girls and boys.

Although this report broadly examines the issues of inequality, these are neatly tied and related to the education, health, and well-being of children. The impact of the ‘one child’ policy can still be seen on the treatment of boys over girls in all of the aforementioned facets of child well-fare. This implicates a social and cultural barrier as well as a governmental, structural barrier to fair treatment of children.

The report concludes with a list of policy recommendations as well as of progress made to date. The problems of inequality are wide and varied, implying a complex solution with no immediate end in sight.


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