Reports, Study: Evaluations

Implementation of the national strategy and action plan for the reform of the residential childcare system in Moldova 2007-2012 : Evaluation report

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Oak Foundation,Terre des Hommes,UNICEF, United Nations Children's Fund

In July 2007 the Government of Moldova approved a National Strategy and Action Plan to reform its residential childcare system. At the time, 12,000 children were thought to be living in large orphanages and boarding schools in Moldova. Previous studies had shown that most children living in residential institutions had at least one living parent if not both living parents. Some children had disabilities ranging from mild to severe. Studies had shown that most children had been placed in residential institutions in response to family poverty. This evaluation of the National Strategy and Action Plan was commissioned by UNICEF and its government partners to evaluate the results and achievements of the implementation of the National Strategy and Action Plan. The evaluation was carried out between March and June 2012 by an international child protection expert aided by a Moldovan company with experience of researching social policy. The evaluation aimed to assess: • Relevance of the National Strategy and Action Plan to child protection in Moldova; • Effectiveness of implementation to meet the goals and objectives of the National Strategy; • Sustainability of the Action Plan reforms • Efficiency with which the Action Plan Activities were managed; • Impact of the reforms on vulnerable children and families; and • Extent to which implementation of Activities contributed to the equitable promotion of children’s rights.

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