
If not Norway, who

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English, Norwegian


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Save the Children Norway

This report has been written by an Expert Committee for Innovative Sources of Climate Finance, consisting of experts with a background in economics, green transition, aid and politics. The committee has been set up, and the report was ordered by the organizations Save the Children Norway, The Norwegian Red Cross, the Norwegian Church Aid, the Norwegian People’s Aid, Caritas Norway and the Norwegian Refugee Council.

The climate crisis desperately calls for leadership, and the funding gap for climate finance is constantly growing. To mobilise the sufficient scale of new funding, political innovation is needed. The committee demonstrates that Norway can maximize the potential of its financial strength and believes that no country is better placed to create a global coalition to trigger the massive climate investments needed in low- and middle-income countries. These investments are needed to support these countries with cutting emissions, ensuring climate adaptation and financing losses and damages. The committee puts forward a number of proposals for how Norway can mobilize more funding without compromising the aid budget, and within socio-economic frameworks and rules. Hopefully, these recommendations can also inspire other countries to step forward and lead the way.


Denne rapporten er skrevet av et ekspertutvalg for innovative kilder til klimafinansiering, bestående av eksperter innen økonomi, grønn omstilling, bistand og politikk. Utvalget er nedsatt av organisasjonene Røde Kors, Kirkens Nødhjelp, Redd Barna, Norsk Folkehjelp, Caritas og Flyktninghjelpen.

Klimakrisen skriker etter lederskap, og finansieringsgapet vokser stadig. For å utløse penger i stor nok skala, trengs politisk innovasjon. Utvalget påviser at Norge kan få mye mer ut av sin finansielle styrke og mener at ingen land er bedre stilt til å skape en global koalisjon for å utløse de massive klimainvesteringene som skal til i utviklingsland for å kutte utslipp, sikre klimatilpasning og finansiere tap og skade. Utvalget legger frem en rekke forslag for hvordan Norge kan mobilisere mer finansiering uten å gå på bekostning av bistandsbudsjettet, og innenfor samfunnsøkonomiske rammer og regler.

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