Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

How To Write a Child-Friendly Document

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How to Child Rights series

Children have a right to seek and receive information, including about their human rights. If this right is to be implemented in practice, the information that they receive needs to be available in ways that they can understand. One approach is to produce what are sometimes referred to as ‘child-friendly’ versions of documents.  In this guidance, we are focusing on written child-friendly versions of documents. These are usually short, visually appealing to children, summaries of another document, written in simple language that children understand. This guide describes a process for producing these documents with children acting as advisors.

This guidance is developed primarily for civil society practitioners wishing to advance children’s rights, to help them develop or guide the development of child friendly information. It aims to show how child participation and civil and political rights can be applied in practice.

This guidance is developed as part of the How to Child Rights series.

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