Study: Assessments

HH Lebanon Assessment Analysis Report

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Save the Children International,Save the Children Lebanon

In September 2024, the escalation of conflict between Lebanon and Israel led to widespread displacement and a severe humanitarian crisis. As of November 2024, over 3,961 deaths and 16,520 injuries have been reported, with approximately 1.2 million displaced persons (sitrep #50, Lebanese Republic Presidency of the Council of Minister 29/11/2024). The conflict has exacerbated existing vulnerabilities, particularly for children, as schools have been closed and critical infrastructure damaged. The Household-Level Rapid Vulnerability and Needs Assessment (RNA) was conducted to identify the most urgent needs of internally displaced persons (IDPs) across Lebanon, focusing on food security, shelter, healthcare, water, and protection, to inform targeted humanitarian interventions.


The assessment used a cross-sectional design to capture a snapshot of the current needs of displaced populations at a single point in time. A stratified random sampling method was applied to ensure representation across both shelter types (collective shelters and host settings) and geographic areas. The total sample size of 459 households was determined to provide a 95% confidence level with a 5% margin of error. Data collection was conducted through household surveys, with trained volunteers using mobile data tools (Kobo Toolbox) for in-person interviews.

Relevance of findings in the current context:

The ceasefire has significantly altered the context in which this rapid needs-assessment was conducted.
However, following the ceasefire, findings remain critical for guiding recovery efforts in the transitional phase and for contingency planning in case conflict resumes.

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