
HEA Outcome Analysis Results, Quiché, Guatemala

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Save the Children International

This report presents the findings of a Household Economy Analysis (HEA) outcome analysis from the livelihood zone GT06 in Quiché, Guatemala. the results cover the period of November 2022-October 2023.
The main conclusions of the analysis are as follows:
• Households in the very poor socio-economic group – VP, which represents approximately 20%
of the area’s population, will face survival deficits and livelihood protection deficits during 2023.
The annual gap is estimated to be worth Q6,000/household of six people.
• Households in the poor socio-economic group – P -, which represents approximately 40% of
the area’s population, will face livelihood protection gaps during 2023. The annual gap is
estimated to be worth Q3,200/household of six people.
• These conclusions are based on various estimates of price trajectories and the availability of
local job opportunities once the new agricultural cycle begins in the area.

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