Study: Assessments

Harmonized Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance to Meet Critical Basic Needs of Flood and Conflict Affected Communities in Jonglei and Unity States, South Sudan

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Save the Children International,Save the Children South Sudan

The Harmonized Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance Project was carried out in Jonglei and the Unity States of South Sudan from January to December 2023, implemented through a consortium consisting ofAction Against Hunger, International Rescue Committee and Save the Children, with funding support from ECHO. A “cash-plus” approach combined household cash transfers with additional complementary activities to maximize the impact of the interventions. The project results includes, meeting multiple basic needs of target households that are affected by complex and interlinked factors in target locations especially high food insecurity, severe malnutrition, grave protection, and associated protection concerns as well as strengthening coordination of cash assistance among the Cash Collaborative Delivery members and other agencies in the sector working with the Cash Working Group.

Assessment objective: The assessment aimed to measure the overall effect of the cash assistance provided and determine if the project goals are achieved i.e. to do comparison of baseline (before the project implementation period) and endline (end of project implementation period) among the target populations in the target areas of project implementation.

Methods: Both quantitative and qualitative data collection methodologies employed for this assessment through household surveys, Focus Groups (FGDs), and Key Informants (KIIs). The assessment targeted flood and conflict/violence-affected households, including Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), refugees, returnees, and host communities.

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