
Harem Voes Blong Me (Hear My Voice)

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Save the Children Australia,Save the Children Vanuatu

The “Harem Voes Blong Me” report is an amplification of the voices and experiences of young people during the twin Category 4 cyclone events in Vanuatu in March 2023. The cyclones affected approximately 215,319 people, including 125,500 children.

As children are particularly vulnerable in disasters, and their well-being is a significant concern, Save the Children commissioned a report to inform decision-makers of children’s vulnerability, ensure that children are better supported during future cyclones in Vanuatu, and push for greater action on climate change globally. This report reflects young people’s voices and serves as a call to action, urging leaders to take further steps in addressing climate-related issues. The report was compiled by our local NGO partner, Kolisen Blong Leftemap Education (KOBLE), and subsequently reviewed and published by the Save the Children Vanuatu.

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