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Child Friendly Materials

“Happy Family”

Publication year:




Save the Children International

“Happy Family”, a child-friendly animation series, is produced by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS), UNICEF and Save the Children through Breakthrough-ACTION. Breakthrough-ACTION is USAID’s global flagship program on social and behavior change, providing a variety of COVID-19 risk communication and community engagement activities in Cambodia.

The message in the comic books spans handwashing, social distancing, learning from home, mental and physical well-being, and stigma and discrimination to reach target audiences of 5 to 10-year-olds who can learn how to apply suggested prevention techniques for COVID-19.

The key messages are communicated through situations and explanations that are child friendly, fun and engaging. This increases the chance that children can apply key actions demonstrated to help prevent the spread of the virus.

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