Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

A handbook on planning projects to prevent child trafficking

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Terre des Hommes

This handbook focuses on ways in which child trafficking can be prevented. It looks in particular at activities which are organised as projects or programmes, but also comments more generally on what actions are likely to be effective in preventing children from being trafficked. It is presented as a handbook so that project designers can follow it as they go, step by step, through the process of developing activities to prevent children from being trafficked. The handbook is intended for anyone who plays a role in designing or organising activities to prevent child trafficking and, by implication, for a wider audience of policy makers in government, inter-governmental organisations (IGOs) and organisations involved in deciding what preventive activities should receive priority or in financing anti-trafficking activities. In contrast, this publication is not intended for general readers or for people who simply want to find out what human trafficking is and how children are exploited.

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