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English, Spanish,French,Arabic
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Save the Children International
The way children experience disasters and crises can be distinctly different from the experiences of adults. This results in needs and problems specific to the affected child population. For any humanitarian response to be rights-based, appropriate, relevant and effective, consultation with and participation of the affected population are crucial. It is therefore vital that the specific needs and problems facing children affected by the crisis – as well as their capacities and suggested solutions – are understood, documented and taken into consideration when developing and reviewing strategies for a humanitarian response. Similarly, it is critical that children participate in emergency response preparedness processes, as well as in the monitoring and evaluating of responses.
This guidance aims to provide Country Offices and Responses with practical information on how to realize the child’s right to be heard, and prepare for and run a children’s consultation in a meaningful and ethical way. It also covers how to use what children tell us to inform our work (from Insights to Action) and how to close the loop with children and communities. Using a ‘good enough’ approach, the methodology presented is sound but realistic, recognising the challenges and limitations when undertaking assessments in complex contexts. Where relevant, notes have been included on how to conduct consultations in collaboration with other actors.
The guidance is accompanied by a set of Annexes, which include tools that can be used to consult with children, a risk assessment template and an example of a referral protocol.
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