Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Growing up GREAT! Activity Cards for Girls and Boys

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Save the Children US

These activity cards can be used by very young adolescents (VYAs) 10-14 years old to engage in a discussion about equality, health, and protection through an entertaining and educational activity. They are part of the the Growing Up GREAT! program toolkit, which uses a socio-ecological approach with an age-appropriate, gender transformative intervention package to provide in- and out-of-school VYA girls and boys with accurate information about sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and foster discussion about related social norms. For VYAs, a suite of materials provides information and prompts discussion about puberty, gender equality, healthy relationships, violence, and other related themes during weekly club sessions. For parents, group sessions featuring six testimonial videos foster discussion around non-violent parenting, equal sharing of household tasks, and girls’ education. Other materials for teachers, health workers and community members complement the core toolkit materials. Growing Up GREAT! was adapted from the GREAT Project toolkit and incorporates elements of Choices, Voices, Promises and GrowUp Smart, a sexuality education curriculum for VYAs. It was piloted in Democratic Republic of the Congo in 2017-2018 under the Passages Project and is now being scaled up in Kinshasa (2019). These activity cards are a helpful resource for program implementers.

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