
Global Survey on Violence against Children 2011. Focus Group Discussion with Children about Governments’ efforts to stop violence against children in their countries [Gaza]

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A report that reflects the outcome of a one-day workshop event hosted in Gaza in December 2011, co-organised by Save the Children Sweden, The Palestinian Center for Democracy and Conflict Resolution and Al Dameer Association for Human Rights, in the context of the follow up work on the Recommendations of the 2006 UN Study on Violence against Children.

The event gathered twenty six children and young people aged 11-17 years to review the progress made in implementing the recommendations five years after the release of the Study.  The young participants were given the chance to speak out about their government’s role and efforts to stop violence against children and find out if any changes have been made over the past five years to ensure children live a life free of violence. Most importantly, they were able to share their expectations, views and experiences and put forward their own recommendations to prevent and address violence against children.

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