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Global Story Book: Children and young people as actors in peace building

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Save the Children Norway

This book is especially for you, children and young people, who want to know how other people of your age are doing peace building. The stories (in this book) come from children and young people in 24 countries in Asia, South East Europe and the Middle East, Africa and Latin America.

The reader may ‘visit’ the countries to see what has been done and achieved by peace building activities. There are four key groups of stories:

Child clubs supporting their peers: The clubs support different groups of children, f. ex. those who are discriminated against, those in risk of being trafficked and those affected by armed conflicts.

Child clubs working to overcome violence and abuse: The clubs are concerned about adults who punish children. Information campaigns have managed to reduce violence in homes and schools.

Child clubs wishing to cooperate with adults: in some countries child groups and adults organize regular meetings to dialogue and share information, make plans and find ways of cooperating.

Spreading of peace messages: takes place in families, schools and communities through paintings, drama and magazines. Radio programs have urged authorities to take action to support children. 

We hope these stories will inspire you to find your way of building peace in everyday life. While you are reading you may want to write down your thoughts and ideas and how you might contribute to peace and also make your own peace plan. You will find space for that in this book.

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