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Development Initiatives,Global Nutrition Report
In 2020, malnutrition remains a pressing global challenge. Even though some progress has been made towards ending malnutrition, it has been too slow and unfair.
The Global Nutrition Report 2020 reveals that one in nine people are still hungry or undernourished. There are also 149 million children under the age of 5 who are still affected by stunting globally. Meanwhile, the world has transitioned to one in which more people of all ages are obese than underweight, with one in three people either overweight or obese. In addition to this, the outbreak and spread of COVID-19 presents new risks and threats for nutrition all over the world. During these uncertain times, countries are often unprepared to face the global nutrition crisis.
This report looks beyond global and national patterns, revealing significant inequalities in nutrition outcomes within countries and populations.
Development Initiatives authorizes the use of this material subject to the terms and conditions on the Global Nutrition Report website.
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