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Save the Children US
Each day in 2016, over 1,100 children and adolescents (age 0 19) around the world became infected with HIV. Ninety percent of them contracted the virus through transmission from their mothers. If early diagnosis and treatment do not occur, one – third of HIV-positive infants will die before their first birthday, almost one-half before their second birthday, and 80 percent will die before their fifth birthday. Additionally, tuberculosis (TB) continues to affect those infected with HIV, speeding the progress of HIV infection. In 2015, 1.8 million people died from TB including 400,000 people living with both HIV and TB.
Save the Children envision a world where children and families can live free of HIV infection and families that are affected by HIV and AIDS can live positively and productively without stigma and discrimination. This fact sheet presents some of Save the Children’s efforts to help children and families facing the threat of HIV and Aids, as well as its efforts to eradicate TB death among children.
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