GLEAN Issue #5: Unexpected learnings on best ways to improve participation in parenting programs in Cambodia thumbnail
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GLEAN Issue #5: Unexpected learnings on best ways to improve participation in parenting programs in Cambodia

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CUBIC, The Center for Utilizing Behavioral Insights for Children,Save the Children International

In Cambodia, violence against children (VAC) is a serious concern, with more than 50% of children having experienced violent discipline by caregivers. As part of its strategy to address VAC, Save the Children International Cambodia has been using Positive Parenting Group sessions. CUBIC collaborated with SCI Cambodia to use behavioral science to explore ways of increasing participation – particularly among male caregivers – in these groups. The study involved testing a stamp card and rewards as an incentive to encourage attendance. Although the results led to no statistically significant evidence to suggest that the incentives improved participant attendance, they generated a wealth of learnings and insights for future investigations.

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