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Plan International,Save the Children International,WVI, World Vision International
Born on Time (BOT) is a unique program – truly a global first around the issue of prematurity prevention. The program is the first public-private partnership dedicated to the prevention of preterm birth, now the leading cause of death in children under five globally. Combined, Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Mali contribute more than one million preterm births each year, with preterm birth rates ranging from 12 to 19%.
To address prematurity, Born on Time targets risk factors related to unhealthy lifestyle/ behaviors, maternal infections, inadequate nutrition, and limited access to contraception that can lead to babies being born too soon. These risk factors are exacerbated by gender inequalities and power imbalances, and as such, Born on Time has been placing a strong focus on the integration of innovative approaches that address discriminatory social and gender norms and risk factors that negatively impact the maternal, newborn and reproductive health of women and girls, as well as their newborns.
Working closely with local governments and community stakeholders, this five-year initiative brings together the collective experience of World Vision Canada and World Vision Ethiopia, Plan International Canada and Plan International Bangladesh, Save the Children Canada and Save the Children Mali, to work towards a future where every child is born on time
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