Gender and Power Analysis of Child, Early and Forced Marriage (CEFM) in Madhesh Province, Nepal thumbnail

Gender and Power Analysis of Child, Early and Forced Marriage (CEFM) in Madhesh Province, Nepal

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Save the Children International,Save the Children Nepal

Save the Children International (SCI) Nepal, in collaboration with Rural Women Upliftment Association (RWUA) and Girls Not Brides Nepal (GNB) conducted a Gender and Power (GAP)Analysis to examine the root causes and intersecting power differentials that contribute to the prevalence of child, early and forced marriage (CEFM) in Sarlahi and Mahottari districts of Madhesh province in Nepal. The study also examined the implementation of national and local laws, policies, institutional practices as well as existing CEFM programming, systems, and services aimed at preventing and responding to CEFM at the provincial and national levels.

Using Save the Children’s (SC’s) GAP Analysis tool and Guidance, the research applied feminist, inclusive, and child-centred research methodologies, enabling children’s meaningful participation as co-researchers. The study is based on evidence generated from a literature review, in-depth key informant and triad interviews, and focus group discussions with a variety of stakeholders across Sarlahi and Mahottari districts. The approach supports a comprehensive and intersectional analysis of key CEFM drivers and enables a set of context-specific recommendations to prevent and respond to this harmful practice and human rights violation.

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