Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

GBV Emergency Response & Preparedness: Participant handbook

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IRC, International Rescue Committee

The IRC Women’s Protection and Empowerment Unit established an Emergency Response & Preparedness Initiative in response to key lessons learned in designing and implementing GBV programming and the lack of recognition of GBV programming as an urgent response priority in emergencies. The Initiative includes capacity-building efforts, resource development (including the Emergency ToolKit), remote support to trained responders, and evaluation, learning and advocacy. This Participant Handbook, GBV Emergency Response & Preparedness, is part of these IRC efforts to equip a cadre of field-based practitioners with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively and rapidly launch a response to GBV in emergencies. The content of this Participant Handbook and the accompanying curriculum is designed to complement existing training materials and resources developed by other agencies and experts, and operationalize key guidelines, including those from the IASC. 

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