
Futures Under Threat: The impact of the education crisis on Syria’s children

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Save the Children UK

Futures under Threat shines a light on the scale and extent of the education crisis for children inside Syria and for those living as refugees in neighbouring countries.

Before the war almost all of Syria’s children were enrolled in school. Literacy rates were over 90%. Now, four years into the conflict, some sources estimate that Syria has the second worst enrolment rate in the world, with almost 3 million school-aged Syrian children no longer in school.

There’s an acute need for education in Syria. If this isn’t met, the consequences for children will be catastrophic.

But donor funding for education in Syria is desperately short. The education component of the No Lost Generation Initiative education is acutely underfunded. The window of opportunity to tackle the education crisis – and to prevent a lost generation – is closing fast. This report calls for urgent action to address the barriers that need to be overcome to get the futures of Syria’s c children back on track.

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