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Save the Children UK
The world is changing. The climate crisis, the digital revolution and mass migration are just some of the forces driving change at greater speed than ever before. The challenges are immense. But for those that can adapt, it can bring incredible opportunities too. In an unstable and unpredictable world, all of us – organisation, teams and individuals – need to be flexible, to read the signs, innovate and adapt.
This toolkit offers a set of 12 techniques to help teams navigate the present and shape the future. Working with the School of International Futures, we have selected foresight tools widely used in the public and private sectors, and adapted them to serve the particular needs of Save the Children and our partner organisations. The tools can be used separately or in combination, to help you explore drivers of change, visualise alternative future scenarios, and understand the implications of your thinking and how you can prepare for and influence the future. If we can learn to deal systematically with uncertainty, we have the chance to deliver a better future for children, and for us all.
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