
Fund the Future Education Rights Now. A ten point plan for transforming aid to education

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GCE, The Global Campaign for Education

The Global Campaign for Education (GCE) is a movement to end the worldwide crisis in education. Around the world today, 80 million children – most of them girls – are out of school. GCE’s mission is to make sure that governments act now to deliver the right of every girl, boy, woman and man to a free quality education. This report calls for urgent increases in aid to funding education, and sets about a 10 point plan for improving the amount, quality and effectiveness of aid to basic education:

  1. Pay a fair share for basic education;
  2. Untie aid and ensure technical assistance is country-led;
  3. Harmonise aid behind government plans;
  4. Use the most aligned aid modalities;
  5. Deliver predictable aid to basic education and focus on teachers;
  6. Ensure country ownership and civil society engagement;
  7. Focus on Education For All and on education rights;
  8. Address strategic issues in domestic financing of education;
  9. Deliver on promises;
  10. Build a true Global Partnership for Education.

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