Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance, Teaching Resources

Fun, Safe, Inclusive: A half-day training module on facilitation skills

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Save the Children

This manual has been specifically developed by Save the Children in response to requests from the field to provide a short training module on facilitating programmes for children. It builds on best practice and learning gained by Save the Children during the implementation of a range of activities promoting children’s protection and well-being.

Fun, Safe, Inclusive: A half-day training module on facilitation skills can be used across sectors for programmes at all levels. It can be used as a stand-alone training tool or as part of a comprehensive training on psychosocial and resilience-promoting activities for children, adults and families. The module focuses on facilitation skills promoting fun, safety and inclusion. It draws on new insights about the importance of play from neuroscience, giving ideas for activities designed to alleviate the long-term impact of toxic stress on children’s brains and development.

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